Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Grandma's Farm

A few weeks ago we had the opportunity to visit the neighbor's mother/grandmother in Penonome, a town about a half an hour from here. She and most of her 13 children live along the
same dirt road with their farms growing out from there.

Here we were at the sugar cane press, where they squeeze the juice from the sugar cane and
then cook it down until it's molasses or until they can mold it.

Grandma was sick, but enjoyed our visit. She is a devout Catholic but thought it was wonderful "that we're serving the Lord."

This weekend she died. Our prayer is that we will be able to be a comfort to our neighbors. Every time we talk to them we see them opening up more to the True Gospel.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Christmas Car

Did you remember to decorate your car this Christmas?

This was one of our favorite entries in the Christmas parade.

Next year we would like to participate. People use it as a way not only to show their Christmas Spirit, but also to promote their business or organization.

It would be a great opportunity for us to pass out tracts and information about us.

We are sorry it has taken us so long to post these things. Being ill isn't something to write home about, so we haven't. But we're getting notices that you are concerned. We have been struggling with health issues for a while. Fortunately we have a very gracious Dr. here in town who even makes house calls when necessary. PTL! We seem to be feeling better, though Kris' thyroid problem is far from solved. She sees the specialist in about a month.

Happy New Year, and God Bless You!